
Summary Final Decision Art 60

No violation

Background information
Date of final decision: 10 May 2019
CSAs: AT, BE, CY, CZ, DE – Berlin, DE – Lower Saxony, DE – Rhineland-Palatinate, DE- Bavaria (Private sector), DE – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, DK, ES, FI, FR, IE, IT, PL, SE, SK, NO

Legal Reference: Right of access by the data subject (Article 15), Transparent information,communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject (Article 12)

Decision: No infringement

Key words: Right of access, exercise of the rights of the data subject, e-commerce

Summary of the Decision

Origin of the case
The complainant requested access to his personal data held by the controller because his national ID number, his address and his IP had been blocked by the controller’s platform and he was thus unable to use its services. He wanted to know the reason and thus requested access to his data.

The controller demonstrated that it had provided the complainant with access to the data concerning him and his seller account. The controller provided the relevant communication to the LSA and it also clarified that the blockage of the complainant’s information was due to a violation of the controller’s selling policies. The controller also explained that it had granted the complainant the right to appeal the blockage, but instead he tried to circumvent the decision by opening new seller accounts, which were blocked. However, the controller allowed him to create a customer account.

The LSA found that there had been no violation of the GDPR, since the controller had granted the complainant the right to access to his data. The LSA and the CSA agreed to close the cross-border complaint, since no further action is required.

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Summary Final Decision Art 60

Reprimand to controller

Background information
Date of final decision: 3 December 2018
LSA: DE – Berlin
CSAs: BE, DE-Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Controller: Chal-Tec GmbH
Legal Reference: Right to erasure (Article 17), Lawfulness of processing (Article 6), Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject (Article 12)

Decision: Reprimand
Key words: Right to erasure, exercise of the rights of the data subject, lawfulness of the processing, e-Commerce

Summary of the Decision
Origin of the case
The complainant created an account on the controller’s website, and the same day he asked for its deletion. Despite receiving a confirmation e-mail about the deletion, the complainant could still log in to his account. In an e-mail, the data controller told the complainant that for legal reasons the account could not be deleted, but only deactivated.

Following a request for information by the LSA, the data controller deleted the account. The improper handling of the data subject’s request was due to keeping two separate databases, each handled by a different department of the controller which had miscommunicated in this case.

The LSA decided to reprimand the data controller as the removal of the complainant’s personal data was not carried out by the time it was due, i.e. per art. 58(2)(b) GDPR.

Even though the request was submitted by the complainant prior to the entry into force of the GDPR, on 25 May 2018 the account had not been deleted yet and therefore, the LSA states that the GDPR is applicable.

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