
Summary Final Decision Art 60

Compliance order to controller

Background information
Date of final decision: 21 August 2019
CSAs: DE-Lower Saxony
Legal Reference: Principles relating to processing of personal data (Article 5), Lawfulness of processing (Article 6), Conditions for consent (Article 7), Right of access by the data subject (Article 15, Security of processing (Article 32)

Decision: Compliance order to controller
Key words: Consent, Transparency

Summary of the Decision
Origin of the case
The complainant lodged a complaint with the Commissioner for Data Protection of Lower Saxony, alleging he received unsolicited personalised advertising. In its reply to the data subject’s right of access request, the controller had stated that the complainant’s personal data was the result of a prize competition in which he had allegedly participated consenting to the use of his data for marketing purposes by the controller or its sponsors.

In its assessment of the validity of the consent provided by the complainant, the LI SA found that the text explaining the checkbox for consent was inconsistent with the privacy policy, which referred to a wider range of processing activities and a larger number of recipients: thus, the consent was not legally valid and Articles 5(1)(a), 6 and 7 GDPR were violated.
Furthermore, the LI SA found that the controller did not comply with Article 15 GDPR as it did not appropriately provide the data subject with information on the purposes of the processing of personal data, the recipients and the storage period.
In addition, violations of Article 32 GDPR were also identified: first, the technical and organizational measures implemented by the processor (e.g. double opt-in procedure) were not sufficient to prevent the misuse of personal data; secondly, the unauthorized entry of data could not be traced back due to the deletion of the link relating to the generated lead after a 30-day period.

The LI SA required the controller to take the following required steps within three months:

– seek consent in accordance with Article 7 GDPR and revise the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice of the prize competition;

– implement further technical and organisational measures;

– ensure that the author or source of the manipulation can be identified.

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Summary Final Decision Art 60

No violation

Background information
Date of final decision: 20 March 2019
CSAs: AT, DE – Rhineland-Palatinate, DE – North-Westphalia, DE – Lower Saxony, DE- Saarland, DE – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, DE – Bavaria
Legal Reference: Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject (Article 12), Information to be provided where personal data are collected from the data subject (Article 13), Information to be provided where personal data have not been obtained from the data subject (Article 14)

Decision: No violation
Key words: Transparency, Privacy statement, Consent

Summary of the Decision

Origin of the case
The complaint concerned the information delivered to individuals visiting the controller’s websites as well as the conditions for processing personal data for the purposes of direct marketing. It was alleged that the controller collects data for advertising purposes without having privacy statement on its websites.

Following examination of the complaint, a series of exchanges between LSA services and the marketing service of the controller took place. The controller updated the information delivered to individuals visiting its websites, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, by the publication of a document entitled ‘General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)’. The LSA noted controller’s commitment in pursuing a consent campaign for the collection and the use of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing from data subjects, prior to sending newsletters.

Lastly, it was observed that the controller undertakes measures to ensure that every data subject has ‘the possibility to unsubscribe easily and for free’.

After having observed that the controller responded appropriately and demonstrated compliance with the GDPR, the LSA together with the CSAs agreed to proceed to the closure of the complaint.

Submitted by a citizen, but not a formal complaint (Art. 77 GDPR)

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